Best CBSE School in Uppal, Hyderabad

The Central Board of Secondary Education (abbreviated as CBSE) is a Board of Education for public and private schools, under the Union Government of India. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has asked all schools affiliated to follow only NCERT curriculum in all CBSE schools in Hyderabad.

CBSE is the apex board of education in India, which is not only having a pan Indian jurisdiction but also has global presence with nearly 141 affiliated schools across 21 countries. CBSE grants affiliation to Schools up to higher secondary level and develops common curriculum keeping nationwide requirements in focus. The CBSE affiliation is considered as a prestigious recognition as it requires the schools to follow rigid quality standards.

The CBSE was given its present name ‘Central Board of Secondary Education’ in the year 1952. The CBSE Board was reconstituted in the year 1962 when its jurisdiction was extended. Educations being a subject on the concurrent list of Indian constitution – most of the states also have their own educational boards with different curriculum but CBSE enjoys the advantage of still being the most preferred board all over India.

Apart from major school examinations, the CBSE also conducts most of the major national level competitive exams in the country. This list keeps on getting bigger, with the latest entrant being the UGC NEET exam.

CBSE is considered to be tougher than state boards, but not only is it more student friendly, it is also considered by many to be richer in educational content. CBSE is especially beneficial to those who wish to pursue higher education in nationalized institutions, over state institutions where in GIIS contends to be the best CBSE school in Hyderabad.

The CBSE curriculum will definitely help if you plan on pursuing further education from a centralized institution like an IIT or AIIMS. The preliminary exams for these institutions are organised by CBSE, therefore, doing your primary and secondary schooling in CBSE will give you an edge over the competition.


    • To define appropriate approaches of academic activities to provide stress free, child centered and holistic education to all our children without compromising on quality.
    • To analyze and monitor the quality of academic activities by collecting the feedback from different stakeholders.
    • To develop norms for implementation of various academic activities including quality issues; to control and coordinate the implementation of various academic and training programmes of the Board; to organize academic activities and to supervise other agencies involved in the process.
    • To adapt and innovate methods to achieve academic excellence in conformity with psychological, pedagogical and social principles.
    • To encourage to document the progress of students in a teacher and student friendly way.
    • To propose plans to achieve quality benchmarks in school education consistent with the goals of the education.
    • To organize various capacity building and empowerment programmes to update the professional competency of teachers
    • To prescribe conditions for a better preparation for the public & other competitive examinations conducted by CBSE & other organizations
    • To fulfill the educational requirements of the students by using the latest techniques of teaching & Learning process.
    • To prescribe and update the course of instructions of examinations.

    • To affiliate institutions for the purpose of examination and raise the academic standards of the


    • Innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising students friendly and students centered paradigms.

    • Reforms in examinations and evaluation practices.

    • Skill learning by adding job-oriented and job-linked inputs.

    • Regularly updating the pedagogical skills of the teachers and administrators by conducting in service training programmes, workshops etc.

    • To ensure quality teaching-learning processes in the classroom and to enhance performance, the School appoints additional teachers per division at all levels. GIIS invests in teacher training and development, the school maximizes utilization of its modest infrastructure and resources to ensure delivery of a robust education programme. Over the years, the School has established itself as an institution offering quality education to children of varied backgrounds and cultures.


  • The school endeavors for quality education. It emphasize a “whole system” approach that provides a framework for building capacity within the students through Activity based child centered and child initiated methodology, This unique pedagogy involves the child into the system by involving the child so that they become centers of excellence. The school triggers and boosts the Self confidence and creativity by triggering the multiple intelligences through the 9 GEMS model. The school lifts the child to latest arena of learning trends by having a teacher pupil ratio of 1: 20.

  • Every child is treated as an independent thinker, with an infinite capacity to acquire knowledge.

  • At GIIS the child is given the space to chisel out their latent with which children are capable of constructing activities that lead to effective learning outcomes.

  • At GIIS the Child-centered education accomplishes us the aspired learning outcomes, wherein the pace and content of learning is directed by the child and supported by the facilitator (the teacher). Children learn most effectively through collective reflections shared with peers and facilitators and through group discussions.


  • The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. Therefore the school follows the prescribed syllabus as per CBSE for Grade IX to XII.

  • With the exposure that they had in the Junior school they continue to enhance their skills in senior school . They learn to equip themselves for the transition.

  • The High school follows research oriented project based method with the right blend of activities which prepares the child to question, to recreate, to analyze the situations.

  • In the Secondary classes, innovative methods and activities are developed to transact the CBSE prescribed curriculum. Lessons at all levels are facilitated through an integrated curriculum, supplemented by a variety of co-curricular activities, blended with technology ,field trips and class projects.

  • The complete teaching and learning process is child initiated and filled with fun. The children participate in number of inter-school activities such as elocutions, debates, science exhibitions, creative writing arts and sports and have got laurels to the school.

GRADE XI & XII: The following subjects are offered at the +2 level.

  • Education as the art of stimulating and protecting natural human growth demands a conducive atmosphere for physical, intellectual, social,aesthetic and emotional growth.

  • Theme and Project Method of Learning: The lessons are designed based on a theme for a stipulated period of time and proceeds to integrate the entire range of subjects that the child should know. The method involves project and activities that gives the learner ‘ hands’ on experience of the knowledge that the child seeks. At all levels we have adopted the method to enhance the learning process and it attracts the attention of the child in the subject. The subject itself turns interesting. We have a practice to maintain a lesson plan which is prepared by a group of teachers in equal intervals.
  • English core
  • Accountancy
  • Business Studies
  • Psychology
  • Maths
  • Informatics Practice
  • Physical Education
  • English core
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Informatics Practices
  • Physical Education

Learn more about the IGCSE Curriculum of Global Indian International School


The Best CBSE School in Uppal, Hyderabad

The Central Board of Secondary Education (abbreviated as CBSE) is a Board of Education for public and private schools, under the Union Government of India. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has asked all schools affiliated to follow only the NCERT curriculum in all CBSE schools in Hyderabad. CBSE is the apex board of education in India, which not only has a PAN Indian jurisdiction but also has a global presence with nearly 141 affiliated schools across 21 countries. CBSE grants affiliation to Schools up to higher secondary level and develops common curriculum keeping nationwide requirements in focus. The CBSE affiliation is considered as a prestigious recognition as it requires the schools to follow rigid quality standards.

The CBSE was given its present name ‘Central Board of Secondary Education’ in the year 1952. The CBSE Board was reconstituted in the year 1962 when its jurisdiction was extended. Education being a subject on the concurrent list of Indian constitution – most of the states also have their own educational boards with different curriculum but CBSE enjoys the advantage of still being the most preferred board all over India. Apart from major school examinations, the CBSE also conducts most of the major national level competitive exams in the country. This list keeps on getting bigger, with the latest entrant being the UGC NEET exam.

CBSE is considered to be tougher than state boards, but not only is it more student friendly, it is also considered by many to be richer in educational content. CBSE is especially beneficial to those who wish to pursue higher education in nationalized institutions, over state institutions where in ARCA GIIS contends to be the best CBSE school in Hyderabad. The CBSE curriculum will definitely help if you plan on pursuing further education from a centralized institution like an IIT or AIIMS. The preliminary exams for these institutions are organized by CBSE, therefore, doing your primary and secondary schooling in CBSE will give you an edge over the competition.

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Junior Curriculum Teaching Methodology at ARCA GIIS

The school endeavors for quality education. It emphasize a “whole system” approach that provides a framework for building capacity within the students through Activity based child centered and child initiated methodology, This unique pedagogy involves the child into the system by involving the child so that they become centers of excellence. The school triggers and boosts the Self confidence and creativity by triggering the multiple intelligences through the 9 GEMS model. The school lifts the child to latest arena of learning trends by having a teacher pupil ratio of 1: 20

Every child is treated as an independent thinker, with an infinite capacity to acquire knowledge

At ARCA GIIS the child is given the space to chisel out their latent with which children are capable of constructing activities that lead to effective learning outcomes.

At ARCA GIIS the Child-centered education accomplishes us the aspired learning outcomes, wherein the pace and content of learning is directed by the child and supported by the facilitator (the teacher). Children learn most effectively through collective reflections shared with peers and facilitators and through group discussions

  • To define appropriate approaches of academic activities to provide stress free, child centered and holistic education to all our children without compromising on quality
  • To analyze and monitor the quality of academic activities by collecting the feedback from different stakeholders
  • To develop norms for implementation of various academic activities including quality issues; to control and coordinate the implementation of various academic and training programmes of the Board; to organize academic activities and to supervise other agencies involved in the process
  • To adapt and innovate methods to achieve academic excellence in conformity with psychological, pedagogical and social principles.
  • To encourage to document the progress of students in a teacher and student friendly way
  • To propose plans to achieve quality benchmarks in school education consistent with the goals of the education.
  • To organize various capacity building and empowerment programmes to update the professional competency of teachers
  • To prescribe conditions for a better preparation for the public & other competitive examinations conducted by CBSE & other organizations
  • To fulfill the educational requirements of the students by using the latest techniques of teaching & Learning process.
  • To prescribe and update the course of instructions of examinations.
  • To affiliate institutions for the purpose of examination and raise the academic standards
  • Innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising students friendly and students centered paradigms
  • Reforms in examinations and evaluation practices.
  • Skill learning by adding job-oriented and job-linked inputs
  • Regularly updating the pedagogical skills of the teachers and administrators by conducting in service training programmes, workshops etc.
  • To ensure quality teaching-learning processes in the classroom and to enhance performance, the School appoints additional teachers per division at all levels. GIIS invests in teacher training and development, the school maximizes utilization of its modest infrastructure and resources to ensure delivery of a robust education programme. Over the years, the School has established itself as an institution offering quality education to children of varied backgrounds and cultures.

Subjects offered at the +2 level

Education as the art of stimulating and protecting natural human growth demands a conducive atmosphere for physical, intellectual, social,aesthetic and emotional growth .

Theme and Project Method of Learning

The lessons are designed based on a theme for a stipulated period of time and proceeds to integrate the entire range of subjects that the child should know. The method involves project and activities that gives the learner ‘ hands’ on experience of the knowledge that the child seeks. At all levels we have adopted the method to enhance the learning process and it attracts the attention of the child in the subject. The subject itself turns interesting. We have a practice to maintain a lesson plan which is prepared by a group of teachers in equal intervals.

  • English core
  • Accountancy
  • Business Studies
  • Psychology
  • Economics
  • Humanities
  • Maths
  • Informatics Practice
  • Physical Education
  • English core
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Biology
  • Psychology
  • Informatics Practices
  • Physical Education