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Insights on Improving Child’s EQ (Emotional Quotient) During the Pandemic

It has been around a year and half since the Covid-19 was declared a pandemic by the world health organization in March 2020. The pandemic has hit humankind from all corners.

Be it financial, mental or physical aspects, Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone. As one is forced to stay at home all the time to contain the spread of the pandemic, this has left children stressed out emotionally.

At such a tender age, it might be difficult for the children to understand the situation and they might be cranky and upset about many things that they want to do but are restricted due to the pandemic.

To tackle this issue, parents are not alone in this struggle. Many CBSE and IGCSE schools in Uppal and Hyderabad are offering help in whatever way possible to make their students emotionally strong. One may say they are helping you out in improving your child’s emotional quotient during the pandemic.

If you are wondering what exactly is emotional quotient and how this is going to help with your cranky child then read the article to know the answers.

Emotional Quotient

Emotional quotient also known as emotional intelligence or simply EQ is the skill to utilize your emotional energy into something productive and more useful.

One has the capability to understand their emotions and then control these in a way such as to put them to use in a positive direction.

Emotional quotient makes one capable enough to relieve stress through productive activities. In turn, this will help the person to attain success in their life goals. When you are able to connect to your feelings, then handling the emotions becomes quite easy.

Also read: Principles of TeachingHow to Know the Signs if Your Child has a Good EQ

Some schools in Hyderabad and even in Uppal are helping parents to understand the

signs and then to work upon these to enhance the emotional intelligence of their ward.

Emotional quotient in the child will help him or her to manage challenges while thinking and learning about something. The ability to direct their emotions towards something fruitful is worth achieving.

The question is how to make this happen? Arca GIIS International School in Uppal is working to guide students as well as parents about the emotional quotient and how to enhance the skill in children.What to look for to develop EQ in a child

EQ can be measured on some parameters that can be worked upon to enhance its useful effects.

Self-awareness: It is said that only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. So, a child should be able to recognise the exact state of his/her mood. Apart from that he or she should also be aware of how his/her mood is going to affect others related to him. This is what is known as self-awareness of one’s emotional state.

Self-regulation: It might be really really difficult to control one’s extreme emotions even for adults. But making a child practice regulating the emotional burst at an early age can make the child control their impulses and act wisely according to the situation.

Motivation: A child should feel motivated about the tasks and aims. One can have negative thoughts sometimes but ultimately one should feel confident enough that he/she can achieve his/her goal.

Empathy: Emotional quotient is not about understanding your own emotions. One also requires them to put their legs on someone else’s shoes. This simply implies that one should be able to understand or at least try to understand the feelings of others as well. Your child will be emotionally mature and will have a high EQ if he or she possesses this quality of empathy towards others.

Social skills: Human beings are social animals. We can’t survive without a society or the cooperation that we provide to each other. And when it comes to maintaining social skills one should know how to behave with others. Your child should have the ability to recognize that different behavior will bring different responses from others.What CBSE or IGCSE Schools are Offering to Raise EQ

During the pandemic, schools in Hyderabad and Uppal, like Arca GIIS International School in Uppal, are trying to keep the online sessions interactive and productive.

The schools are trying to fill the free time of your child with some classes and sessions where they can learn and enjoy instead of killing that time under frustration.

Arca GIIS International School in Uppal tries to make children understand life challenges, work on different strategies, make them understand the necessity of helping others and also utilize their energy in an efficient way.

Arca GIIS International School is dedicated to raising the quality bar of their students and also help them to learn new skills that will lead them to the path of success. If the right direction is provided at the right age, society is going to be a better place.

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