Online School environment has become the new normal in the global education scenario owing to the Covid 19 outbreak and its fatal consequences. The current situation has stipulated the best international schools in Hyderabad to evolve their procedures from the last academic year to ensure minimal difference in educational outcomes between offline and online education modes. We all know how too much digital exposure in children can lead to negative influences. Digital distractions such as the mobile phone and laptop can result in suboptimal learning outcomes. Yet, there are ways to limit the adverse effects of digital devices on a child’s learning and set them on the course of enhancing their learning potentials by calibrated use of online learning.
In the unprecedented circumstances of the pandemic, the top schools in Hyderabad are using digital devices as important weapons to sustain the child’s educational capabilities and make sure that they do not lose out on academic learning and time. Here are some ways which are followed by the top international schools in Hyderabad to increase the effectiveness of online teaching.Online morning assembly

This component is the crucial alignment between the child’s mind and the scheduled academic activities. The top CBSE schools in Hyderabad start their daily online routine with a short prayer and a great quote by inspiring personalities to set a motivational tone for the day’s classes. In addition to this, the students can be asked to recite their favourite poems everyday so as to engage them in the daily functioning of the online class. Top schools in Hyderabad like Arca GIIS ensure that there is no significant difference between offline and online modes of learning and ensure that children stay committed to online learning as the years go by.Interactive digital quizzes
We all know that the reward system in a child’s brain is a great way to establish strong learning foundations. Online quizzes are an amazing way to improve the interest levels of children in academic activities. Conducting digital quizzes introduces an element of competition between children so that they stay engaged, participative and acquainted with a competitive scenario.

Arca GIIS is one of the best CBSE schools in Hyderabad which concentrates on conducting quality digital quizzes to its students with timely rewards and appreciation to keep them motivated. As the best IGCSE schools in Hyderabad like such ensure that top performance in online classes are in receipt of small awards to offer them recognition.Activity based learning

In the present stage, children get ample amounts of time to engage in different activities to enhance their learning levels. Activity based learning is essential so that children can differentiate between learning after staring at a computer screen for hours and learning through books and activities. For higher classes, PowerPoint slides are beneficial to sustain the student’s attention capability. But in the case of younger classes, the best schools in Hyderabad ensure that they receive ample amounts of physical activities through online mechanisms. Such activities include drawing and cutting of shapes using art and craft. For example, cutting up geometrical shapes using paper craft can help them understand the different geometrical concepts. The top CBSE schools in Hyderabad make sure that the creative potential of the children is accentuated by offering fun-filled and interactive opportunities in the online classes.Online Hobby classes

The pandemic is having its toll on child Psychology and hence cannot be ignored. Children who are meant to increase their social awareness during offline classes are now confined within the digital corridors without completely understanding the implications of covid-19. In challenging times such as these, children must be encouraged to join in online hobby classes like yoga, dance, music, gardening and cooking.

The best international schools in Hyderabad offer online hobby classes without making them compulsory. Parents of the child should identify which hobbies are suitable for their children after talking to them and ensure that they join in the online hobby classes for their mental and physical wellness.Physical activities during online classes

The increase in screen time can cause physical exertion of eyes for both teachers and students. The IGCSE schools in Hyderabad like Arca GIIS deploy online teaching methodologies which enable children to take a break to relax. Online classes are a great way to ensure that all the students participate in physical activities. Some examples of these are too quickly running around the room, hugging their family members, or doing high jumps on the spot for 5 times. This makes sure that children receive adequate physical exercise which keeps both their mind and body fit.
The best schools in Hyderabad like Arca GIIS offer top quality of education through online classes during the pandemic. Parents should take adequate care that their children do not burn out their learning capabilities due to increased screen time and should engage them with various activities beyond learning.
The Arca Global Indian International School or Arca GIIS is a private school in Uppal which is located in the eastern part of Hyderabad. The school has been ranked as the number 1 school in the east zone and number 2 in twin cities for the last 5 years by the Times of India in its 12 years of operation and is indeed the best choice for your children.
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